Total R&D Expenditures*
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Licenses and options move technologies and innovations from the lab to the marketplace.
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At Illinois, we’re addressing society’s most pressing problems by doing what we do best — interdisciplinary research that drives positive change in our communities, our state, our nation, and the world.
The campus interdisciplinary institutes, centers, and initiatives are world leaders in research and discovery, and are home to some of the premier campus outreach and education programs. Each has a unique, but complementary, mission, and together they account for approximately 35% of total sponsored expenditures for the campus. More than 1,000+ faculty, staff, and students are affiliated with these units, ensuring that our campus remains a preeminent public research university with a land grant mission and global impact.
Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
The Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, where groundbreaking research in neuroscience, materials science, imaging, language and literacy, and bioengineering has been conducted for more than 25 years. The Beckman provides space for collaborations from researchers in departments as diverse as engineering, speech and hearing science, psychology, computer science, physics, education, biochemistry, neuroscience, anthropology, and linguistics.
The IGB is dedicated to transformative research with program areas in systems biology, cellular and metabolic engineering, and genome technology. Pioneering advances in the life sciences, IGB’s unique facility stimulates discovery and collaboration among its world-class researchers, drawn from a broad range of disciplines in life and social sciences, engineering, law, and business.
Center for Social and Behavioral Science
Many of the most pressing issues facing modern society are social and behavioral problems. Poverty, health behavior change, globalization, food insecurity, lost human capital, and fast-paced technological innovation are challenges that are, at their core, social and behavioral science issues. The Center for Social and Behavioral Science addresses the grand challenges facing society using the deep social and behavioral science expertise housed at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Humanities Research Institute
HRI supports interdisciplinary study in the humanities, arts, and social sciences, work that leads to a deeper understanding of people, societies, artifacts, and events, locally as well as globally, in past and present contexts.
Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment
Founded in 2014, iSEE pursues actionable research to find solutions for the world’s pressing sustainability, energy, and environmental needs today and tomorrow. iSEE funds and shepherds research projects that will have an immediate and lasting impact in solving global grand challenges. As part of its three-pronged mission, the Institute is also working to make the U of I campus a model of sustainability, energy efficiency, and environmental friendliness for the world to emulate — and to educate and prepare students to be leaders in these fields when they leave campus.
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Institute
IHSI actively unites and enhances the University’s existing, far-reaching excellence in health sciences research and technology. IHSI nurtures, builds, and maintains health research communities at Illinois, and works to expand the research infrastructure and portfolio that supports all health science research, campus-wide, for all colleges and research institutes
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NCSA focuses on digitally enabled interdisciplinary research and is an international leader in high-performance computing and data-driven science. The Center provides computing, data, networking, and visualization resources and expert support that help scientists, engineers, and scholars at the University and across the country better understand our world.
The Prairie Research Institute, one of the nation’s most diverse research organizations, provides a unique balance of research, expertise, and data on the natural and cultural resources of Illinois to benefit the state’s economy, environment, and people. The Institute is the umbrella organization for the state’s five scientific surveys: the Illinois Natural History Survey, the Illinois State Archaeological Survey, the Illinois State Geological Survey, the Illinois State Water Survey, and the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center.
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